Digital Library


09:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Programme's objective

Showcasing the Tun Abdul Razak Library's initiative towards becoming a Digital Library in line with the development of the Industrial Revolution 4.0.

As one of the efforts to boost the Library's services towards fully optimizing the use of information technology (ICT) and the Internet (IoT).

Highlighting the innovations of Universiti Teknologi Mara (PUiTM) Library services, especially those involving the use of technology.

Facing efforts towards strengthening Library services that focus on Digital Libraries.

Along with the development of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0) which is heating up is widely discussed around the world. The emergence of a new wave of technology known as ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution’ or the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0). History states that the first Industrial Revolution (1760 - 1830) refers to the use of water or steam technology that is able to move machinery. Subsequent technological developments involved electrical power which triggered the second Industrial Revolution around (1870 - 1914). The third Industrial Revolution began at the end of the 20th century through information or digital technology.

The fourth Industrial Revolution has influenced communication and social systems in today’s life that are complementary to the access of a borderless world. However, the development of media and communication technology through the Internet of Things (Internet of Things -IoT), the use of robots, cloud and the like to some extent become a challenge in the development of technology.

In line with the government's transformation agenda to increase the use of technology in the public service, libraries have now undergone many transformations in terms of functions, facilities and services. Library services are now increasingly moving towards the use of information technology (ICT) both in terms of content and infrastructure. As a result of the use of information technology (ICT), it can facilitate and expedite all library services.

The launch of the UiTM Digital Library, will showcase library initiatives in line with the development of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. In addition, this program is one of the efforts to boost library services towards optimizing the use of information technology (ICT).

The library should not be in the same condition as it was 25 years ago which made it a location to place various reading materials only, but rather make the library an attractive place for users, especially the younger generation. In the face of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, the library needs to be a one -stop place where all information can be obtained there. Among the products that the Library has developed are:


1. Cashless Payment

2. EQPS - Electronic Question Paper System

3. UiTM IR (Institutional Repositories)

4. PTAR Public Repository

5. Agro / Plantation Local Content Hub is a center on / about Malaysian plantations

6. Malay Treasure Repository

7. UiTM e-Resources Library

8. Library e-Book

9. Library e-Guide

10. Library UiTM MOOCs

11. UiTM Mobile Apps Library

12. Library Document Management

13. MyKM (Knowledge Management Portal)

14. OPAC - Online Public Access Catalog


16. PTAR Digital Signage

17. RDMS - Reference Desk Management System

18. E -KKM System - PTAR Information Skills Class System

19. UiTM Library Chat (LibChat) - Chat with Librarian

20. Customer Feedback System (CFS)

Universiti Teknologi MARA Library always highlights innovations that involve the use of technology in library services. Library innovations involving the use of information technology (ICT) have been successful at the highest level. This effort, has a positive impact on the organization and can indirectly set an example to other public organizations.


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